2024/2025 Schedule
Fall Semester
Period 1: US History and Government II
Period 2: Honors US History and Government II
Period 3: US History and Government II
Period 4: Prep
Period 5: Lunch
Period 6: US History and Government II
Period 7: Lunch Duty North Commons
Period 8: Honors US History and Government II
Period 9: US History and Government II
Spring Semester
Period 1: US History and Government II
Period 2: Honors US History and Government II
Period 3: US History and Government II
Period 4: Prep
Period 5: Lunch
Period 6: US History and Government II
Period 7: Lunch Duty South Commons
Period 8: Honors US History and Government II
Period 9: US History and Government II
If a student needs help they may set up times before or after school, or during my planning period to meet. I also have an open door policy where students can come in during any class for extra help, however help may be limited based on that classes activities.